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Transforming Fiscal Management

Fusionworks & Oracle Elevate Puerto Rico's Office of Management and Budget

Puerto Rico's Office of Management and Budget

The Office of Management and Budget (PROMB) of Puerto Rico, established in 1980, is at the forefront of reforming budgetary and managerial activities in the region. Their mission is to enhance public policy formulation and financial management, aiming to bring about a new era in fiscal responsibility and governmental efficiency.


PROMB grappled with an outdated budgeting system, lacking the flexibility and detail needed to manage funds across over 118 agencies. This limitation was particularly acute in a year marked by both electoral change and the COVID-19 pandemic. The legacy system impeded detailed fund allocation documentation, a critical component in transparent government operations.
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Puerto Rico's Office of Management and Budget





Implemented Solution

Oracle Enterprise Performance Management (EPM)


Puerto Rico

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Revolutionizing Public Sector Efficiency: Fusionworks and Oracle enable PROMB to manage complex budgets across 118 agencies, enhancing transparency and operational effectiveness for over 1000 users.


In a strategic partnership with Fusionworks, a leading technology consulting firm, PROMB transitioned to Oracle’s Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) platform. This robust solution was tailored to meet the complex needs of managing budgets across multiple entities, funds, and programs. Fusionworks, with its expertise in Oracle technologies, played a pivotal role in the implementation, ensuring a seamless transition and adoption of the new system.


The Oracle EPM platform revolutionized PROMB’s budget management process, resulting in:
Enhanced Efficiency

The implementation of Oracle's EPM platform streamlined processes, enabling more efficient management of funds and resources across numerous agencies.

Improved Transparency

With Oracle’s technology, PROMB achieved greater transparency in its fiscal operations, fostering trust and accountability in government processes.

Scalability and Flexibility

The platform’s ability to handle extensive data across various agencies proved its scalability and flexibility, accommodating over 1000 users seamlessly.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Oracle's robust analytics tools enabled more informed, data-driven decision-making, enhancing the overall effectiveness of budget management.

User Empowerment

Comprehensive training and tailored manuals provided by Fusionworks ensured that users across different agencies could leverage the full potential of the new system.

This collaboration between Fusionworks and Oracle has not only addressed the unique challenges faced by PROMB but has also set a precedent for effective fiscal management in the public sector. The success of this project underlines Fusionworks’ commitment to delivering innovative solutions that drive efficiency and transformation in government operations.

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