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Power BI integrations that improve data visualization

Collecting valuable data from your customers and the market you work in is a key element for understanding your audience and establishing an effective business plan. However, you also need the right tool to visualize this data.  Platforms like Power BI integrations give you a deep insight of the data you have collected. 

When it comes to business decisions, you can’t leave anything to chance. You need to base every decision in accurate data so you can create a business plan according to your market’s needs. That is why data visualization is a key factor in every business growth.

What is data visualization?

Every little action in your business generates a lot of complex data. All this information comes from sales, marketing performance, inventory level, production metrics, costs and many other KPIs. The real challenge is navigating through this data and understanding what it means for your business.

With data visualization platforms you can turn all these complex information into compelling, useful and easy-to-read business information. Power BI integrations offer you the possibility to access the key insights hidden within the data so you can make accurate choices for your company.

Power BI: Gain data insight and improve your decision making process

Power BI is a complete data visualization platform that helps you visualize the data from your KPIs with a relatable storytelling. You can use charts, graphs, interactive reports and live dashboards to develop powerful insights.

There are 3 ways Power BI can optimize your data visualization process:
Create compelling data experiences

This tool offers the possibility to better understand your data thanks to powerful visual tools. You can also get simple, yet accurate answers to your business questions thanks to an AI based system. 

Power BI allows you to get the information you need, even by asking questions using a conversational language; you don’t need to be an expert to understand the presented information.

Get a deeper insight from all data sources

Power BI integrations allow you to connect with all your data sources from every aspect of your organization. This means that you can gain a deeper insight of every important KPI in your business. 

Connect Power BI with: 

  • Access database.
  • SQL Server Analysis Services database
  • SQL Server database.
  • IBM Netezza
  • IBM Db2 database.
  • IBM Informix database (Beta)
  • Oracle database
  • MySQL database.
Decide the best action plan for your business

Once you have a clear understanding of your business data, then it’s easier to elaborate reports and share them with your team. Thanks to tangible metrics and concrete numbers, you can be confident every decision is backed up with accurate data.

One of the best ways to empower your collaborators is allowing them to make data-driven decisions that produce effective results. The right data visualization can make a huge impact on our business and help you grow.


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